Cannes de Roches

season rye brett
Limited edition

Alcohol: 5.5%

Brett Saison with rye in a straw yellow color that highlights both the cereals and its funk side. It contains several strains of seasonal yeasts, Bretts and lactic acid bacteria, which creates a bouquet of complex aromas and flavors. Matured for 5 months before being bottled.

Named in reference to the hamlet of Percé, located between the mountains, called Cannes-de-Roches. Fishermen used to call the cormorants that nested in the huge rocky cliffs “canes”.

Main flavours: Sour, funky, dry, spicy, refreshing

Shelf life: 6 months

Release date: March 3, 2022

Cannes de Roches
Alcohol by volume: Standard
Colour: Yellow straw
Flavour: Farm - Tart / sour
Availability: Limited Quantity
Format : 500 ml bottle